running out of loony ideas.

Creditwrench-thetruth blog authored by a fringe lunatic otherwise known as "Uncle Normie" frustrated in his lifelong dream of discrediting a well known consumer advocate by the fact that he does not know how to blog, does not know how to make movies, does not know how to podcast, does not know what RSS is or how to implement it effectively and about to lose the only hatching jacket he ever had to with which to birth his pediantic diatribes is now reduced to seducing others to provide him with new material for the blog whose name he stole from the real
It seems that his favorite hatching jacket which is about to be shut down because it's owner, Ryan Evans of Pacific Healthcare systems wants to sell the message board because Normie has totally reduced it to a garbage dump. Ryan originally set a totally ridiculous price of $20,000 hoping to find a sucker and dump it off on him or her. However, in less than a week he has reduced the asking price to $15,000. At that rate then, within a month he will be more than happy to just give it away in order to keep Normie from completely and totally putting his Pacific Health Care collection agency out of business.
Over the last few months, Normie's reputation has taken a terrible beating and he is now the laughing stock of hundreds of blogs, wikis and message boards because of his penchant for spamming them with messages begging everybody to visit his stolen name blog. One of his problems is that his Google Page Rank is permanently stuck at ZERO.
That is because he doesn't understand how to use keywords or the requirement that his keywords reflect his content. Of course he has little or none of that and is reduced to posting numerous messages daily contining nothing more than a beg line and a link to his smoggery.
To illuminate the depths of his depravity he has now also publicly stated his intention to embark upon another equally fruitless venture and launch an all out attack on another website operated by Western Capital Management of Salt Lake City, Utah. It is, however, highly doubtful that he has the capacity to do that since he is already punchdrunk and reeling from the incessant rain of blows to his ego he has suffered at the hands of Creditwrench CEO Billie Bauer.
Bleeding, battered and reduced to tears and fits of uncontrollable rage by Mr. Bauer he would be well advised to refrain from any such ventures.
Of course, he never takes advice from anybody so all we can do is wish him luck because if indeed he should be so foolhardy he will most likely be taught a very hard lesson.
In the unlikely event that someone should care to investigate the statements about the crazed lunatic they can follow the peals of laughter of the multitude of bloggers discussing Normie and his antics quite easily by clicking here and following the synopsis of the laughing bloggers
The synopsis is provided by the real and should bring you much laughter and enjoyment.