Putzmeisters and how to identify them.
Putzmeisters and how to identify them.
Putzmeisters can always be identified by the fact that they make statements or references to material such as court cases or other sources such as websites or blogs that would seem to be absolutely correct and therefore should be held in high esteem.
But those resources which are touted so highly are of no value unless the reader already understands how to use them and is already thoroughly familiar with the topic and who only need a bit of such information to complete their current project.
The average surfer may be greatly impressed by what they read but when the rubber meets the road and they have to actually use the information it is never there nor are the Putzmeisters willing to give them the help and instruction they would need to actually put the information to good use.
The information is only there to further some other agenda.
A website or blog that seems to have great resources such as court cases for instance will make the reader think that the person who posted them is a great and knowledgeable person when the real truth of the matter may very well be that the poster of that information doesn't have the foggiest idea of how to use it either.
He just hopes that those case cites will cause you to believe him in whatever other agenda he may have. That other agenda may very well be simply to discredit some other person or company. Putzmeisters have a penchant for thinking that by ripping someone else they can enhance their own public image.
One can almost surely know a Putzmiester for what he is by the simple fact that he will not put his real name or contact information on his website or blog nor in any messages he might post on internet forums or message boards. No reputable company would operate that way. No reputable company would spend time and money to promote their service or product and then hide their contact information from public view.
Beware of the putzmeisters where ever you might find them. They are a road to disaster in whatever they attempt to do.